Amazing Fantasy (Bookworm’s Den) opened its doors in July of 1980, initially as a second-hand bookstore. By the fall of 1984, Red Deer’s second comic shop had closed its doors, and I approached Lynn (the owner of Bookworm’s Den) with the idea of becoming the third. She liked the plan, but was leery of alienating her book customers with all that “kid’s stuff” and proposed I open my own store with her financial backing.
In the early part of 1985, “Dadawerks, Ink.” became Red Deer’s third comic shop. It was at this point that we learned the valuable lesson of “Location, location, location”. When it became apparent that no one could find us and the store would not survive, Lynn finally accepted the idea of incorporating new comics into her store, and by summer of 1985, Bookworm’s Den had become Red Deer’s fourth comic store.